Christ longs for you to enjoy your no-strings-attached union with Him.
You are not His employee, but His gorgeous bride in whom He wondrously delights!
Listen to His refreshing and inspiring Words to you today:
“My beautiful love, I am your very Life source.”
“When I am revealed to the world at the end of the age, you too will be revealed with Me in glory.”
“This is because there is now no such thing as ‘you apart from Me.'”
“Everything I inspire you to do, I empower you to do.”
“Rest in knowing I’ve got your back in everything, regardless of what it may look like in the natural realm.”
“This includes your mistakes, missteps, and flesh trips.”
“My unchanging love for you has been poured out within your heart through My Spirit who was given to you when you first believed.”
“I work in you continually, motivating you to express my delightful intentions.”
“Think about it this way: you have My very thoughts within you waiting to be uploaded by faith to your conscious awareness.”
“While is true that sometimes the thoughts you experience are the result of My spontaneous inspiration, I want you to realize that you have the incredible privilege of continually choosing to renew your thinking to reflect your brand-new identity in Me.”
“You now share in My authentic traits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control because we are one spirit together in holy matrimony.”
“When you allow yourself to savor My love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and power toward you, these characteristics will automatically be expressed in your daily living.”
“I long for you to experience the restful, refreshing life inspired by My gently flowing grace.”
“A life in which no shoulds, oughts, or musts exist.”
“A life motivated by your new heart’s holy desires.”
“All of these qualities are given to you by grace through faith— not as a result of works.”
“If you could muster them up, they would be called ‘works,’ not fruit.”
“I’ve simply called you to believe and rest in My finished work on the cross on your behalf.”
“When you do that, you will be amazed at the gorgeousness being expressed through your Monday-through-Sunday living!”
Dear reader, have you unknowingly allowed shoulds, oughts, or musts in your relationship with Christ?
Today’s post is an excerpt from my newest book, Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Loved You First and Loves You Most.
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