If you have been struggling to forgive someone who has wounded you, then allow the following Words from your Beloved to act as a healing balm for your damaged emotions.

“My holy bride, one of the most damaging snares of the flesh is a refusal to forgive someone who has hurt you.”
“Regardless of whether they wounded you on purpose or unknowingly, you make a choice soon after the injury occurs.”
“You either decide to lock them up in an imagined debtor’s prison until they apologize and/or you stop feeling hurt, or you choose to forgive them, releasing them from the debt they owe you.”
“If you do not choose to forgive your offender, it will ultimately manifest in anger, bitterness, and resentment.”
“Drinking from this multilayered cup of flesh is like swallowing poison and expecting the one who wounded you to get sick.”
“And as long as you justify your refusal to forgive them, you will be miserable.”
“The fundamental reason for your misery is that you were not re-created in Me, the ultimate Forgiver, to express unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment.”
“Because of your eternal spiritual union with me, you are ‘a forgiven forgiver at heart.'”
“And anytime you act like someone you are not, you will experience unrest in your soul (and body).”
“Realizing that your new heart’s desire is to forgive those who hurt you is the first facet of forgiving others.”
“Expressing forgiveness is simply befitting for a new creation in Me.”
“Stay tuned to discover the final, and often most mysterious, facet of this liberating process.”
Dear reader, how will understanding that you are already a forgiven forgiver at heart change your life?
Today’s post is an excerpt from my newest book, Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Loved You First and Loves You Most.
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