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My name is Kim K. Francis.
I was a Christian over thirty years before I learned who I was in Christ and began to savor my eternal spiritual union with Him. (Read My Grace Story.)
In the last fifteen plus years, I have been in the process of getting my mind renewed with the truth about grace.
I’ve been learning just how good the gospel of grace in Christ Jesus is.
In fact, it’s the best news ever, and I can’t help but share it!
One way I share the best news ever is through my Living Loved Blog.
I invite you to check out over 170 grace-saturated posts (from newest to oldest) in my archives.
In September 2017, I published my first book, His Banner over Me Is Pursuing Love: An Intimate, Interactive Study of the Song of Solomon, Chapters 1 and 2.
This is the first volume in my His Banner over Me is Love – Song of Solomon Study Series.
Through this book, you’ll be encouraged to enjoy greater intimacy with Christ through understanding your flawless identity in Him.
It is all about the Divine Romance—our eternal spiritual union with our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
It can be used as an individual study or a group study.
There is a Leader’s Guide included in the back matter.
It could be used as a 7- or 13-week group study (including the introductory session), depending on how fast or slow you want to go through it as a group.
In February 2019, through the encouragement of my readers, I published a devotional spin-off of the study called Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Loved You First and Loves You Most.
This is the first book in my Fifty Days in His Love Devotional Series .
I like to describe this devotional as “Jesus Calling Meets The Naked Gospel“ because it is written in the style of Jesus speaking directly to you, but it is saturated with New Covenant truth.
Through this book, you will be encouraged to experience the depths of Christ’s cherishing love for you.
I invite you to check out my 50-Day Facebook Live Journey into this book, where I read each day’s devotional and elaborated on it.
I did this Facebook Live Journey during the 2020 Covid-19 shutdown.
I published my third book, His Banner over Me Is Sustaining Love: An Intimate, Interactive Study of the Song of Solomon, Chapters 3–5, in July 2022.

This is the second volume in my His Banner over Me is Love – Song of Solomon Study Series.
Through this book, you will be encouraged to enjoy Christ’s sustaining love in the midst of the chaos of this world.
In this volume, we witness the Shulammite maiden (a type of the bride of Christ) undergoing intense suffering as a result of living in this fallen world.
At the same time, we see her growing in an awareness of Christ’s sustaining love, which causes her to trust in and rely on Him more in the midst of her adverse circumstances.
Just like the first volume, this can be used as an individual or group study taking either 7 or 13 weeks, depending on the pace you want to go.
My newest book (published in August 2023) is the devotional spin-off of this study called Fifty Days in His Sustaining Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Carries You through the Storms of Life.
It is the second book in my Fifty Days in His Love Devotional Series.
Just like the first devotional, it is written in the style of Jesus speaking directly to you, but it is saturated with New Covenant truth.
Through this book, you will be encouraged to experience Christ as your Safe Haven through life’s most difficult seasons.
My writing bucket list contains three more books, Volume 3 in my study series, His Banner over Me Is Transforming Love: An Intimate, Interactive Study of the Song of Solomon, Chapters 6–8; the final book in my devotional series, Fifty Days in His Transforming Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Transforms Your Attitudes and Actions as You Rest in His Love; and a prequel, Knowing Christ as Your Spiritual Bridegroom.
If your mind needs a good grace soaking, I highly recommend all four of the books I’ve written so far.
You will be refreshed and encouraged in the truth about who you already and forever are in Christ.
I would love to connect with you!
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Feel free to email me if you have questions about grace, my blog content, or my books.
Grace and peace to you!

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