If you feel like there’s something missing in your relationship with Christ, it could be that your problem lies in your lack of understanding of who you already and forever are in Him.
Allow your Spiritual Bridegroom to illumine your mind with these extraordinary eternal truths today.
“My lovely bride, you may be thinking there has to be more than what you are currently experiencing in your relationship with Me.”
“The answer to enjoying greater intimacy with Me in the here and now lies largely in your understanding the fullness of the triple-crown kiss of salvation you received when you first believed into Me.”
“While your lifetime forgiveness is absolutely wonderful, the remaining two aspects of your triple-crown kiss are equally as marvelous: your irreversible identity change and complete life change.“
“When you begin to feast your eyes on your one and only flawless identity in Me, you will be open to experiencing wondrous delight in intimacy with Me.”
“Just think about it. If you see yourself as a dirty rotten sinner, chances are you won’t be too excited about asking a holy God to cause you to experience His affection.”
“My heart is who I am, and I am Spirit.”
“You too are a spiritual being—a spiritual heart.”
“Experiential intimacy with Me would be impossible if not for our spiritual ‘heart’ union that began at salvation.”
“Every person born into this world is a spiritual heart separated from My life (Spirit) because of the fall of man in the garden of Eden.”
“Your entrance into this world was a spiritual stillbirth; you were born separated from My eternal life.”
“Simply put, spiritual death describes the separation of man and God, and spiritual life is the union of man and God.”
“I came to earth to mend the spiritual separation between God and man.”
“And those who believe into Me have already been transferred out of death into My eternal life.”
“My dear bride, how I long for you to rest and rejoice in the truth that you are already and forever alive and flawless because of your eternal heart union with Me.”
Dear reader, how will understanding that you are already and forever alive and flawless in Christ help you enjoy greater intimacy with Him?
Today’s post is an excerpt from my newest book, Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Loved You First and Loves You Most.
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