I remember a time in my life when I wondered if all my sins were forgiven.
I knew that with my imperfect memory, there was no way I could remember every sin I ever committed.

So, if I couldn’t remember them, how could I ask forgiveness for them?
Sometimes I would just pray, “God, please forgive me for all the sins I’ve forgotten,” and hope that would suffice.
But I never was really sure if there was any sin that was getting in the way of me enjoying full fellowship with Him.
How thankful I was to finally learn the truth about my once-for-all forgiveness the moment I believed in Him!
If you struggle (as I did) with understanding your complete forgiveness and cleansing through Christ’s one time sacrifice on the cross for all your sins, then take a deep breath, put yourself into receiving mode, and let the following words from your Beloved Savior bear witness with your brand-new, snow-white heart in Him:
“My pure bride, renewing your mind with new covenant truth often involves as much unlearning as it does learning.”
“There is a popular, yet detrimental, misconception that continues to undermine the rest, peace, and joy of many Christians.”
“It is in how they view their sins.”
“In the Old Testament, the blood sacrifices offered by the Levitical priests year after year on the day of atonement could never completely take away their own and their people’s sins.”
“They merely covered them from year to year.”
“There is a world of difference between both concepts.”
“Imagine that you are preparing to entertain important guests in your home this weekend.”
“You spend the entire week having the white carpet in your living room cleaned and planning the meals you are going to serve.”
“The weekend arrives and your doorbell rings.”
“As you walk to the door with a glass of grape juice in your hand, you trip and accidentally spill it on your white carpet.”
“Oh no!”
“You don’t want your company to see the mess you’ve made, so you go into another room and get a large area rug to cover up the stain until they leave.”
“You breathe a sigh of relief that it is now out of sight.”
“But it is definitely not out of your mind.”
“You are very aware of the mess you are going to have to deal with after your guests are gone.”
“Although the sins of the Hebrew people were covered by blood sacrifices year after year, their relief was only temporary.”
“They would be back in Jerusalem at the same time next year to get their sins covered once again.”
“You can rejoice in the truth that you don’t live under the old covenant!”
“You live under the new covenant where My one-time sacrifice made you perfect and clean forever the moment you believed into Me!”
“I didn’t just clean up your mess.”
“I ripped out the old stained carpet, threw it away, and replaced it with brand-new, snow-white, stain-repelling carpet.”
“Rejoice in the truth that you never have to worry about the stain of unforgiven sin in your life.”
“I have taken your sins away and perfected you for all time!”
“If you will own this truth, you will experience delightful rest in knowing that all your sins are gone forever!”
I hope you enjoyed today’s post which contains an excerpt from my newest book, Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional.
I also want to encourage you to take some time to meditate on the Scripture basis for today’s post in order to get your mind renewed with truth.
You will love the transformation that takes place in your life when you are walking in truth (Romans 12:2; Galatians 5:16; 3 John 1:4)!
*If you enjoyed this post, then I think you would enjoy both of my books where I share the undiluted, unpolluted love and grace of God.
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