Christ longs for you to enjoy your no-strings-attached union with Him. You are not His employee, but His gorgeous bride in whom He wondrously delights! Listen to His refreshing and inspiring Words to you today: “My beautiful love, I am your very Life source.” “When I am revealed to the world at the end of […]
Grace Gems
Who Do You Believe You Are?
If you are a believer in Christ, you have already answered the most important question concerning your eternal destiny. You have said yes to His proposal of eternal spiritual union (even though you might not have known it was a marriage proposal) and have actually and literally become the flawless bride of Christ. But if […]
You Are Forever Alive and Flawless in Christ
If you feel like there’s something missing in your relationship with Christ, it could be that your problem lies in your lack of understanding of who you already and forever are in Him. Allow your Spiritual Bridegroom to illumine your mind with these extraordinary eternal truths today. “My lovely bride, you may be thinking there has […]
You Are Righteous and Holy through Faith, Not Works
If you are a believer in Christ, but struggle with feelings of unrighteousness, then you don’t want to miss these comforting, inspiring words from your eternal Spiritual Bridegroom today. “My beloved, even though the Law wasn’t given directly to Gentiles, every person who tries to achieve righteousness through what they do or don’t do is […]
Your Sweet Rest in Mr. Grace
Are you worn out, trying to make the Christian life work for you? Are you trying to earn grace? If so, then take a deep breath and relax in these sweet Words from your Spiritual Bridegroom today: “My endless love, My Spirit is the Spirit of grace.” “Simply put, I am Grace personified.” “And there […]
The Marvelous Truth
Need some encouragement today? Your Spiritual Bridegroom has some marvelous news to share with you: “My forever love, there is absolutely nothing you could think, say, or do that could separate you from Me and My love for you.” “New covenant grace is the ruling order of every moment of your new life in Me.” […]
You Can Sin All You Want?
Listen to these insightful, liberating words from your Spiritual Bridegroom today: “My spotless bride, if you believe that I forgave all the sins of your past the moment you believed into Me, but from then on you have to remember and ask My forgiveness for each one, your focus will be shifted away from what […]
You Are Forgiven for the Sins of Your Lifetime
Receive these astonishing (yet true) words from your eternal Spiritual Bridegroom today: “My forever love, you may be surprised to learn that your salvation has three extraordinary facets to it.” “When you believed into Me, you received a triple-crown kiss secured through your union with Me in My death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.” “This kiss […]
You’re Invited to Wondrous Delight in Christ!
If Jesus shared His heart with you today, it might sound something like this divine invitation: “My flawless bride, I long for you to spend the time you have left on this earth fully believing that you are altogether beautiful, perfectly loved, highly valued, and completely accepted in Me.” “My heart’s desire is that you […]
If Jesus Shared the Gospel
If Jesus shared the gospel with you, it might sound something like this: “There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are in the spiritual realm of Adam and those who are in Me.” “The fullness of God lives inside My resurrected body.” “And those who are in Me, through My Spirit, […]