I’m always a little sad the day after Christmas.
This past Christmas morning, before our guests arrived, I felt like a little girl anticipating unwrapping every gift under the tree with her name on it.
Oh, you can be sure that my delight had nothing to do with material gifts, but everything to do with looking forward to time spent with loved ones.

I even cried tears of joy while writing in my journal that morning because I was so thankful and thrilled.
Thrilled that Christmas Day 2018 was going to be a family reunion.
And now, looking back, I have to say that it more than exceeded my expectations.
We exchanged lots of hugs, had fun reconnecting, enjoyed great food, and had a Dirty Santa gift exchange.
My younger brother cracked me up.
He told us that he always bought a gift that he wanted to end up with.
And that’s exactly what he did!
He went back to Oklahoma with the iron skillet set he got at Costco. (He’s a great cook, by the way.)
Now that Christmas 2018 has come and gone, I’m wondering, did you get what you wanted for Christmas?
Or did you even have to courage to wish for something that you might not get and consequently end up disappointed?
In my most recent post, “Jesus Really Is the Best Gift Ever,” I highlighted reasons that a believer in Christ could never be disappointed in the BEST GIFT EVER, the gift of His Spirit residing in us 24/7/365.
Think about this: Every material gift that you unwrapped this Christmas is already getting old.
But if you have received God’s most precious Gift, the Spirit of His Son, Jesus Christ, then you already have the Gift that never gets old.
The Gift that He Himself said was “making all things new.” (See Revelation 21:5)
I received the Best Gift Ever after hearing the best news ever right before my tenth birthday in 1974.
But I didn’t even begin to unwrap, enjoy, and share Him with others until 1997.
Can you imagine what it would be like to receive the one Gift that held the key to your true fulfillment—your ultimate happiness—and never even know what you have?
For twenty-three years, all I understood about asking Jesus into my heart was that He was my get-out-of-Hell-free card.
But even then, I didn’t have full assurance that I would end up in Heaven.
Because I tied my salvation to my behavior (which, by the way, was far less than stellar).
Because my Best Gift Ever remained hidden for over two decades, I looked to everything else in this world—marriage, children, personal and career accomplishments, the latest diets, makeup, and fashions, accolades from others, and so on to experience true fulfillment and happiness.
And guess what? None of the above delivered.
All those wasted years of not unwrapping, enjoying, and sharing my Best Gift Ever is a large part of what fuels my passion for teaching others about the intimacy they can enjoy with Christ through understanding their one-and-only flawless identity in Him.
I’m so thankful that God doesn’t waste anything!
Even the lost years.
Christian, are you ready to unwrap and enjoy your Best Gift Ever in 2019?
Are you ready to see what’s inside?
Better yet, do you realize your Best Gift Ever—the Spirit of Christ Jesus—lives inside you 24/7/365, without interruption?
What’s more, you now live inside Him 24/7/365, without interruption.
At the same time that Jesus filled your heart with new life, you were sealed inside His heart—His Holy Spirit—forever (2 Cor. 1:22; Eph. 1:14; 4:30).
And He promises never to leave you nor forsake you (John 10:28; Heb. 13:5).
For Him to leave you, He would have to disown Himself (2 Tim. 2:13).
Your spirit and His Spirit became one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17).
Him in you and you in Him (John 14:20).
It’s a done deal.
The revelation of “me in Christ” changed everything for me.
Let me explain.
I (kind of) understood that Jesus (His Spirit) lived in my heart.
And I viewed Him as being the only “good thing” in me.
The rest needed a lot of work! (Exhausting.)
But then I began to understand that who I am eternally is a spirit who lives inside my body and soul—where I do my Monday-through-Sunday living (1 Thess. 5:23; Heb. 4:12).
And when I believed into Jesus, my spirit (who I am eternally) was totally immersed into His Spirit.
When that happened, a flawless fusion took place.
And who I am in Christ right now is who I will forever be in Him.
In other words, I cannot mess this up!
That’s when I really began to experience rest.
Real rest in Christ Jesus.
Have you ever received a multi-purpose gift?
A gift that has so many features to it, you could spend the rest of your life finding out all that it can do and then still only accessing and enjoying a fraction of its benefits?
The gift of Christ’s life in you and you in Him is the most multi-faceted Gift you will ever receive!
One of my favorite, power-packed Scriptures about what Christians have as a result of being in Christ is First Corinthians 1:30:
“By His [Father God’s] doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification, and redemption.”
Let’s unwrap what we have in Christ Jesus through this single verse.
Christ Jesus is my wisdom: As I look to His Spirit within me and His written Word, I depend on Him to make His wisdom and guidance—His direction for my life—known to me (Ps. 147:5; Rom. 11:33; 16:27). He does this by uploading His wisdom and direction into my mind and confirming them by His Spirit.
Christ Jesus is my righteousness: I can never be more righteous than I am right now. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (Rom. 1:17; 2 Cor. 5:21). I don’t have to work at being right with God because I am already as righteous as I’ll ever be through faith in His Son. When I believe and realize that Jesus is my righteousness, righteousness is expressed through my daily living.
Christ Jesus is my sanctification: Sanctification means “made holy.” I (my eternal spirit) have already been made holy through being immersed into Christ’s Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16-17). And that holiness is expressed through my daily living as I acknowledge and meditate on the truth that I am already sanctified (made holy) in Christ Jesus (1 Cor. 1:2; 6:11; Heb. 10:10, 14).
Christ Jesus is my redemption: Imagine that you could access Jesus’ redemption online (we do almost everything else online!). So you head on over to JesusMyRedemption.com. There is only one item in the online store—ETERNAL LIFE. And its price: “You can’t afford this, no matter how much money you have or how good you are.” There is also a message on the same screen that says: “If you want to receive ETERNAL LIFE, you will have to use the redemption code: BLOODOFJESUS.” So you put your ETERNAL LIFE in the cart, type in the code, and press APPLY CODE. You get an instant confirmation that says, “Congratulations! ETERNAL LIFE has been downloaded into your heart drive (your spirit) with a LIFETIME GUARANTEE. You will never have shop for ETERNAL LIFE again. The blood of Jesus paid it all. Oh, and that’s not all! With your redemption, you get these added bonuses: Forgiveness of sins (Ephesians 1:7), righteousness (Romans 5:17), freedom from the law’s curse (Galatians 3:13), adoption into God’s family (Galatians 4:5), deliverance from sin’s bondage (Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 1:14-18), peace with God (Colossians 1:18-20), and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
Dear reader, if you are a believer in Christ Jesus, then He is your wisdom, your righteousness, your sanctification, and redemption.
He is everything you need for life and godliness! (2 Pet. 1:3 NASB).
That is the Best News Ever about the Best Gift Ever!
In today’s post, I shared with you how you can begin to unwrap and enjoy your Best Gift Ever in the New Year.
There’s no way you can even begin to enjoy a gift without first unwrapping it.
In a sense, you could spend the rest of your days on planet earth unwrapping your Best Gift Ever (finding out who you are and what you have in Christ Jesus).
But the Best Gift Ever is also meant to be enjoyed and shared with others.
Question: How could enjoying and sharing your Best Gift Ever in the New Year change your life and the lives of those around you?
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