Back in the spring of 2016, I was going through hard, hard circumstances on several different levels: health, family, and ministry.
My emotions were raw, and the anxiety was so bad at times that I broke out in hives.
Super spiritual, right?
But Jesus did what He always does, not matter what is going on in my life—He caused all things to work together for my ultimate good (Rom. 8:28).

Something very valuable that He taught me on the darkest days was to stop paying attention to all noisy unrest going on in my head through assumptions, confusion, and speculation, and start focusing on the quiet stillness in my heart—where He was continually speaking life-giving truths to me.
Whether you are in a tough season, you just came out of one, or you see trouble brewing up ahead, I think you would benefit from listening to the following peace-infusing words from your Beloved:
“My dearest darling, I am your life, the source of everything you need.”
“My Spirit and your spirit are flawlessly fused together forever in your new heart—not in your head.”
“If I asked you to close your eyes and point to yourself, you would point to your heart instead of your head.”
“Who you are is your new heart.”
“Through the negative circumstances in your life, your head can get cluttered with noisy reasoning, confusion, assumptions, and speculations.”
“When you are ‘in your head,’ unrest, stress, and a general sense of discontentment are the order of the day.”
“There’s a much better way to live: from your new heart, where you and I live together in perfect unity.”
“You can shut out disturbing distractions by redirecting your attention to the quiet stillness in your heart.”
“This is where I am, continually speaking truth.”
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
“And I am always loving you perfectly.”
“When you need to hear from Me, get out of your head and into your heart.”
“I alone hold the answers to every question you have.”
“You can trust Me to cause you to hear My voice, whether you are sitting with your Bible open in the calm of the morning, or you are going through the ordinary activities of your daily life.”
“I cherish our intimate times together when you acknowledge our union and are tuned into My voice.”
“But if you’re honest, you have to admit that a large part of your time on earth is spent focused on the task at hand rather than intently listening for My voice.”
“I am not limited by your limitations.”
“With Me, nothing is impossible. I can cause you to hear My voice whether you are listening or not.”
“I also speak to you through My written Word.”
“While My entire Word was written for your knowledge, not all of it is written to those who are in Me.”
“In fact, many of My very own words were spoken to those who were living under the Law in order to show them the futility of trying to keep it perfectly.”
“My new covenant of grace did not come into effect until My death.”
“When you read My words, it is essential that you remember the covenant under which they were spoken.”
“I speak to you through colorful, countless ways.”
“Ways that include, but are not limited to: thoughts and impressions that agree with new covenant teaching, your new heart’s desires, the circumstances of your life, and other people.”
“Trust Me, dear one, to cause you to hear My voice at just the right time.”
I hope you enjoyed today’s post which contains an excerpt from my newest book, Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional.
I also want to encourage you to take some time to meditate on the Scripture basis for today’s post in order to get your mind renewed with truth.
You will love the transformation that takes place in your life when you are walking in truth (Romans 12:2; Galatians 5:16; 3 John 1:4)!
*If you enjoyed this post, then I think you would enjoy both of my books where I share the undiluted, unpolluted love and grace of God.
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