If you are a Christian and are struggling with feelings of guilt over sins you’ve committed, then you need to stop it.
Yes, I said, “Stop it!“

Maybe you think by feeling guilty you are somehow helping to pay for your sins.
But this is not biblical and it’s certainly not the gospel of grace in Christ Jesus!
Look up the meaning of the word convict and this is what you will find (Dictionary.com):
1. to prove or declare guilty of an offense (verb)
2. a person proved or declared guilty of an offense (noun)
As a Christian, you now possess the very innocence of Jesus because of your belief into Him.
Take some time to soak in these life-inducing Words from your Beloved and rest in knowing that the Spirit of Christ in you is not, nor will ever, convict you of sins that Jesus paid for once and for all time on the cross!
“My beloved, after I absorbed the sin of the world, before I took My last breath, I cried out on the cross, ‘It is finished!'”
“Finished means that I paid off your lifetime sin debt.”
“And the moment you believed into Me, you cashed in on that precious payment.”
“One of the most marvelous results of your belief and resulting union with Me is that I have declared you “not guilty” once, for all time and eternity.”
“I want to clear up something the church at large has believed for years because of a misrepresentation of My Word.”
“One function of My Spirit is ‘to convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.'”
“When I convict someone, I am declaring them ‘guilty.'”
“Please notice that the object of My Spirit’s conviction is the world.”
“While it is true that you are in this world, you are not of this world.”
“This means that you, dear one, are no longer a recipient of My Spirit’s conviction.”
“This may cause you to wonder, if it’s not Your conviction that grabs my gut when I sin, then what is it?”
“I’ll tell you.”
“It is a godly sorrow that results when My Spirit testifies together with your spirit concerning behavior that does reflect your flawless identity in Me.”
“A godly sorrow that lovingly motivates you to repent—change your mind—and express actions befitting for those who are Mine.”
“You will always prove who you are through expressing righteousness (being yourself) and living fulfilled or sinning and being miserable.”
“Though My Spirit never convicts you or any other believer of sin, He faithfully operates in your life through loving you, strengthening you, comforting you, helping you, praying on your behalf, and guiding you into all truth.”
Today’s post is an excerpt from my newest book, Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Loved You First and Loves You Most.
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