I know, it’s been awhile since our last newsletter—six months to be exact.
I had every intention of publishing one in January, but I just didn’t make it happen.

We start over every semester at the alternative high school where I teach math—it’s almost like the beginning of the school year.
So, it was busier than I anticipated.
This past year has been full of learning and adjusting to a new way of life for me.
When I got out of teaching to start His Heart’s Desire Ministries with my husband, Steven, in May 2006, I honestly believed it was for good.
But my Beloved had a different plan.
Ultimately, His greatest purpose for us is to live loved by Him (it’s about relationship, not religion) and to let Him love others through our lives.
It’s about waking up every day, ready to depend on the One who adores us and lives in us to do through us what we cannot do ourselves.
It’s a beautiful, intricate partnership that makes life on this planet worth living.
Even when it’s really hard.
I’ve learned a lot since school started—probably more than my students. (I’m planning to elaborate on this in our summer newsletter.)
I’ve also enjoyed the blessing of camaraderie with the people I work with. We’re like family.
I don’t know how long my Beloved will keep me on this “public school teaching adventure,” but I’m so thankful He is with me through every second of it.
Before I wrap up this short newsletter, I wanted to let you know about a conference in the Dallas area that’s coming up next month—just in case you might be interested in attending.
Steven and I will be there, and in between the sessions, we will be selling my books.
His Heart’s Desire Ministries has been blessed to be a part of Network 220 (the network that is putting on this conference) since 2017.
Network 220 (named after Galatians 2:20) is an international network of more than 110 churches, counseling ministries, and training ministries throughout the United States and beyond designed to build you up in the life-changing message of your new identity in Jesus Christ!
This year, Network 220’s annual conference is called “Awaken to Your Righteousness.”

Andrew Farley, Tim Chalas, and John Lynch will be the inspiring, main session speakers who will help attendees understand their true identity in Christ and how to live in the freedom that comes from fully embracing it.
If you decide to attend, Steven and I would love to meet you.
So, please stop by our book table and say hi!
Before closing this newsletter, I invite you to check out my Living Loved archives and my books to read more about your new heart union with Christ.
You can also follow me on social media.
If His Heart’s Desire Ministries has blessed you in any way, would you prayerfully consider giving a one-time donation or becoming a regular donor?
We are trusting in His provision to keep this writing ministry going!
Regardless of whether or not you are able to give financially, we would appreciate your prayers for the ministry.
We would also love to pray for your needs, so please contact us.
Together, we can reach many with the best news ever and help others live loved in Christ through understanding their flawless identity in Him!
Living Loved in Christ,

P.S. Click here to read more recent newsletters.

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