I can hardly wait to share some super exciting news with you, but before I do, I want to catch you up on what’s happened since our May newsletter.
In it, I shared with you all the changes that had been happening in our life in the previous months—Steven’s job promotion in January and my getting a full-time position teaching math at our alternative high school and how God led me to that decision.
Soon after I published the newsletter, I got an email from my principal asking if I would be interested in teaching summer school, which included credit recovery for high school students who didn’t pass their math class and tutorials for students who did not pass their May 2022 STAAR math test.
The first thought that entered my mind was, “I’m not ready. I was looking forward to having the entire summer to get ready.”
But then the next thought was, “This will be a good way for you to get your feet wet—before you start the school year in August … and, of course, the extra income will be nice.”
Needless to say, the month of June flew by, and I was so glad I said yes (even though it wasn’t without its challenges).
Honestly, I had forgotten how fulfilling it was to see the lights come on in the minds of my students.
During the last week of summer school, I sensed God saying that I was going to have to let my part-time job at the college go—it would be too much to do both.
This wasn’t an easy thing to do after spending so much time developing my curriculum and recording and uploading videos in the spring semester.
Honestly, I have never done multi-tasking well, so I knew deep down that I needed to let the provost at the college know that I wasn’t coming back.
The day I did that, I felt lighter.
The next two weeks after summer school, we got to enjoy the grandkids (which included three trips to our local water park!).
After that, I sensed God saying, “It’s time to wrap up His Banner over Me Is Sustaining Love.”
This is the second volume in my His Banner over Me Is Love – Song of Solomon study series.
By Friday, July 15, the manuscript for my paperback was complete, and I contacted Ken Fraser, the guy who created the covers for my first two books, the next morning.
Sunday, July 17, Steven and I left for a four-day (25th anniversary celebration) Colorado vacation that included a trip to Mesa Verde National Park, a round-trip Durango to Silverton train ride, and a San Juan Skyway Scenic Byway road trip.
I’m so thankful that we were able to get away and marvel at the beauty of His creation and enjoy good food and time together.
On the way home, I was excited to receive the final proof for my book cover:
Back Cover:
His Banner over Me Is Sustaining Love is the second of three intimate, interactive six-week studies of the Song of Solomon, an allegory describing the divine romance between Christ and His bride, the church. Spanning chapters 3–5, this second installment in the His Banner over Me Is Love – Song of Solomon Study Series will help renew your mind with the following refreshing, liberating truths:
- Suffering is a natural result of living in this fallen world, not a litmus test of God’s love for you.
- Your difficult circumstances are no match for the One who lives in you and wants to live His overcoming life through you.
- Your fleshly responses to hard times will never change who you are in Christ or how He feels about you.
- New attitudes and actions will spring from letting Christ minister His sustaining love to you in the midst of suffering.
- Going down religious rabbit trails will cause you to lose sight of your refreshing, eternal rest in Christ, who is your life.
- Twelve common distortions of the gospel and the truth that will help you enjoy your freedom in Christ.
- Even if your circumstances don’t change this side of Heaven, you have an eternity of joy with Jesus and other believers to look forward to. The best truly is yet to come!
This past weekend, I ordered an author proof copy of the paperback and completed the Kindle version, so if all goes well, my new book should go live at Amazon this week!
I start teacher in-service next week, so life is about to get super busy for me.
I would appreciate your prayers in this new adventure!
Before closing this newsletter, I invite you to check out my Living Loved archives and my books to read more about your new heart union with Christ.
You can also follow me on social media.
If His Heart’s Desire Ministries has blessed you in any way, would you prayerfully consider giving a one-time donation or becoming a regular donor?
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Regardless of whether or not you are able to give financially, we would appreciate your prayers for the ministry.
We would also love to pray for your needs, so please contact us.
Together, we can reach many with the best news ever and help others live loved in Christ through understanding their flawless identity in Him!
Living Loved in Christ,
P.S. Click here to read more recent newsletters.
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