I know, it’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me.
I had every intention of posting a summer newsletter, but something happened June 15, 2023, a little after 5 p.m. that took my home town of about 8,000 completely by surprise.

In fact, I’m not sure that I’ve completely recovered from the shock of it.
I’ve never experienced living in a town when it was hit by an F3 tornado.
Its path was just within a mile of our home.
We only had broken tree branches and hail damage.
But many others weren’t so fortunate.
There were three lives lost and more than 100 injured.
Between 150 to 200 homes and many businesses were destroyed.
The tornado was on the ground about eleven minutes and its path was a little over six miles.
One of the buildings destroyed was the City of Perryton’s warehouse where my husband, Steven, had his office.
I’m so thankful he wasn’t there when the tornado hit it.
It is absolutely miraculous that, with the massive damage, there weren’t more fatalities.
I’ve heard several survival stories since the tornado.
The most recent was while I was shopping a couple of weeks ago at a local store.
One of the store’s employees told me that she and her son and daughter were at home when it hit.
They were all three able to get underneath a mattress, and she started praying over and over again, “Lord, come to our aid!”
And He did.
Even though she lost her home, this woman was filled with thankfulness and praise to God for answering her prayer.
Would you please pray for my home town and all those who were directly affected by this heartbreaking tragedy?
Now, for ministry news.
On August 8, 2023, I published my fourth book, Fifty Days in His Sustaining Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Carries You through the Storms of Life.
Just like my first devotional, it is written in the style of Jesus speaking directly to you and is saturated with New Covenant truth.
Through this book, you will be encouraged to experience Christ as your Safe Haven through life’s most difficult seasons.
Would you please pray that this book gets into the hands and hearts of those who need to hear its truths?
And, if you happen to pick up a copy, I would love to hear your feedback.
If you’ve been keeping up with past newsletters, you know that I went back to teaching high school math last year after being out for sixteen years.
Teachers started August 3rd, and students started August 10th.
That’s why I am just now getting this newsletter out (I’m very thankful for this long Labor Day weekend).
Before closing this newsletter, I invite you to check out my Living Loved archives and all of my books to read more about your new heart union with Christ.
You can also follow me on social media.
If His Heart’s Desire Ministries has blessed you in any way, would you prayerfully consider giving a one-time donation or becoming a regular donor?
We are trusting in His provision to keep this writing ministry going!
Regardless of whether or not you are able to give financially, we would appreciate your prayers for the ministry.
We would also love to pray for your needs, so please contact us.
Together, we can reach many with the best news ever and help others live loved in Christ through understanding their flawless identity in Him!
Living Loved in Christ,

P.S. Click here to read more recent newsletters.

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