My name is Kim.
I help other Christians understand their flawless identity in Christ so they can enjoy greater intimacy with Him.
Your story might be a bit like mine.
I lived for over thirty years not knowing I became a brand-new person when I accepted Christ.
And because of not knowing who I was in Christ, I lived just like I wasn’t in Him.
In 1997, while going through some pretty tough circumstances, I began seeking Jesus like never before and studying His Word to know Him better.
As a result of getting my mind renewed with truth, I began facilitating Bible studies and helping others learn.
But for some unexplained reason, I wasn’t experiencing much joy in my relationship with Christ.
Truth be told, I was on the verge of burnout.
I was doing all the things that a “good” Christian was supposed to be doing: attending church regularly, Bible study, prayer, teaching, mentoring others, and fasting.
But all of those things put together still didn’t feel like enough.
Enough to deserve intimacy with Jesus.
My problem was simple: I just didn’t “get” grace.
But I have some fantastic news!
For the last fifteen years, I have been on a wonder-filled journey with Jesus, learning to rest in His finished work and enjoy sweet intimacy with Him.
This refreshing rest and enjoyment has come through understanding that I am already pure, already righteous, and already holy through my eternal spiritual union with Him.
If you want to know more about my love story with Jesus and the driving passion behind everything I do, check out this video:
Kim, You are such a blessing! I am looking forward to following your blog and to all it has to teach.
Trish, thank you so much for your encouragement and being the first one to comment on my blog!
Hi Kim! Thank you for “friending” me on Facebook! I believe your beliefs are exactly like Pastor Andrew Farley and Matt McMillen – both authors of whom I have read most of their books. A light finally went in in my head as well after being born ans raised Catholic, but “searching” for truth for too many years to count. I am now 56 and I finally get it!! I appreciate your blog and look forward to enjoying your work and thoughts!! God Bless you and your family.
Hi, Sheila! Thank you so much for your comment. Yes, I love the message of who we are in Christ and who He is in us that Andrew communicates on a regular basis. I haven’t ever heard of Matt McMillen. I will have to look his books up online. Is there one you recommend beginning with? Thank you for taking the time to let me know that you appreciate my blog and look forward to reading more. I’m looking forward to getting to know you in cyberspace. 🙂 God bless you, too, Sheila!
I like your posts in facebook . i need more of it .
Thank you for your comment, Tadele. It’s great to get feedback.
I try to post regularly to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
If you would like to enjoy more of my grace-based resources, I recommend that you click on my POST ARCHIVES in my site’s MENU, where there are over 90 posts.
You could also get my grace-based book, His Banner Over Me Is Pursuing Love. It is available in softcover and eBook form: and
I hope my recommendations help!
I’m so glad that our paths have crossed!
Me, too, Linda! I look forward to our continued connection! Grace and peace!
I love your book, its beautiful I love the first person approach of writing! I would love more books, on more of the Song! thank you Kim your book is amazing!
Lily, thanks so much for letting me know how much you enjoyed my book! It’s great to get feedback. I am getting ready to dig back into Volume 2 of the His Banner over Me Is Love series: His Banner over Me Is Sustaining Love: An Intimate, Interactive Study of the Song of Solomon, Chapters 3–5. I’ve got the framework, just need to enrich it. I hope to release it by the end of 2020. I would appreciate your prayers in this process.