Need some encouragement today?
Your Spiritual Bridegroom has some marvelous news to share with you:
“My forever love, there is absolutely nothing you could think, say, or do that could separate you from Me and My love for you.”
“New covenant grace is the ruling order of every moment of your new life in Me.”
“I entered into a sacred marriage covenant with you when you literally believed yourself right into Me!”
“This covenant is not a mere contract.”
“A contract is a legally binding written agreement between two parties who agree to do their parts.”
“It becomes null and void when either party fails to keep up his or her end of the agreement.”
“You can think of a contract like a handshake.”
“When one person lets go, the agreement is broken.”
“While a covenant is also a legally binding written agreement, it holds much more weight than a contract.”
“It cannot be broken unless both parties fail to do their parts.”
“The Roman handshake is a wonderful visual of covenant.”
“Each person grasps the wrist of the other person.”
“If one person lets go, the agreement is still binding because the other party continues holding on to the wrist of the one who let go.”
“Both parties have to let go in order for a covenant to become null and void.”
“The marvelous truth is that I will never let go of you, desert you, forsake you, or stop being faithful to you—regardless of what you may think or feel or do.”
“Because of our eternal spiritual union, it is impossible for Me to disown you.”
“The reason should be crystal clear: I cannot disown Myself!”
“This knowledge of your covenant relationship with Me is further assurance of your eternal security in Me.”
‘No earthly marriage could ever compare to our eternal spiritual union.”
“You are My gorgeous bride and I am Faithful and True—your forever Spiritual Bridegroom!”
Dear reader, what difference will believing that your Spiritual Bridegroom will never leave you nor forsake you make in your life?
Today’s post is an excerpt from my newest book, Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Loved You First and Loves You Most.
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