Every Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, Christians all over the world celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
But believers in Christ don’t have to wait until Easter to celebrate this indescribably (there are simply no words) wonderful event.
We can celebrate all day, every day.

And not only that, we can celebrate our co-resurrection with Him—which happened the moment we put our faith in Him.
1 Peter 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
Every Christian has literally—actually—been born again in Christ’s resurrection.
So, every time you think of and celebrate His resurrection, you can remember and celebrate your co-resurrection with Him—and look forward to the moment in the future when you are forever clothed with a resurrection body like His:
“He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own.”
Philippians 3:21
Because of our new birth in Christ—our co-resurrection with Him—we are forever alive and flawless in Him.
In this post, I am going to share with you Day 12 from my book Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional.
It’s titled “You Are Forever Alive and Flawless in Christ.”
Every devotion in this book is based in Scripture, written from the perspective of Jesus speaking directly to His bride, the church:
“My holy bride, you may be thinking there has to be more than what you are currently experiencing in your relationship with Me. The answer to enjoying greater intimacy with Me in the here and now lies largely in your understanding the fullness of the triple-crown kiss of salvation you received when you first believed into Me.”
“While your lifetime forgiveness (Kiss #1) is absolutely wonderful, the remaining two aspects of your triple-crown kiss are equally as marvelous: your irreversible identity change (Kiss #2) and complete life change (Kiss #3). When you begin to feast your eyes on your one and only flawless identity in Me, you will be open to experiencing wondrous delight in intimacy with Me. Just think about it. If you see yourself as a dirty rotten sinner, chances are you won’t be too excited about asking a holy God to cause you to experience His affection.”
“My heart is who I am, and I am Spirit. You too are a spiritual being—a spiritual heart. Experiential intimacy with Me would be impossible if not for our spiritual “heart” union that began at salvation. Every person born into this world is a spiritual heart separated from My life (Spirit) because of the fall of man in the garden of Eden. Your entrance into this world was a spiritual stillbirth; you were born separated from My eternal life.”
“Simply put, spiritual death describes the separation of man and God, and spiritual life is the union of man and God. I came to earth to mend the spiritual separation between God and man. And those who believe into Me have already been transferred out of death into My eternal life. My dear bride, how I long for you to rest and rejoice in the truth that you are already and forever alive and flawless because of your eternal heart union with Me.”
What I would like to highlight from today’s devotion is that every single person born into this world is spiritually dead because they are separated from the eternal life of Christ.
It is only when we believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died on a cross to take away our sins, and we open the door of our life to Him—calling on His name to be saved—that we are immersed into the eternal life of Christ, becoming forever alive and flawless in Him.
One of my favorite verses which speaks of the believer in Christ’s flawlessness in Him is Song 4:7:
“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you” (English Standard Version).
“My darling, everything about you is beautiful, and there is nothing at all wrong with you” (New Century Version).
If you are a Christian and you feel like that verse is not true for you, then there is something essential you need to understand. Your identity isn’t determined by what you do; it’s determined by your new birth in Christ.
Everyone is either spiritually dead in Adam or spiritually alive in Christ, and if you are in Christ, then your identity is forever flawless!
I want to make sure you understand me. I am not saying that your attitudes and actions are always flawless.
But when you begin to realize that your flawless identity is a done deal forever, then your attitudes and actions will consistently reflect that, because what we focus on is reflected through our lives.
Please take some time to meditate on the Scriptures in today’s post in order to get your mind renewed with truth.
You will love the transformation that takes place in your life when you are walking in truth (Romans 12:2; Galatians 5:16; 3 John 1:4)!
If you would like, you can watch my Facebook Live where I share the devotion from today’s post:
*If you enjoyed this post, then I think you would enjoy all of my books where I share the undiluted, unpolluted love and grace of God.
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